Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wanna know something that really pisses me off?

I hate that I can get forwards from people about God or religion and how stupid people who don't believe in it are, but I don't get to forward emails pertaining to my beliefs as an atheist or it would cause a huge mess of shit. I could just reply all and let everyone who got that email or sent that email to more "Christians" why it is offensive to send it out to people who do not believe in all that mess (I will call it for lack of a less offensive to the audience term). Oh fuck that, it's my blog. Bullshit. If I obviously do not believe in that Christian (or any religion praying to God) bullshit, why do you think an ignorantly written email that isn't even factual(!!!) with some stupid picture (usually involving a confederate flag, but not this time) is going to convince me. Oh, I was wrong. Thank goodness for that email you probably didn't read, but forwarded it on to everyone. Wow, that changed the entire basis of my beliefs in life. Glad you sent it out! Now, let me go tithe!

Ugh! It pisses me off so bad! If I were to send out a Jesus and God are frauds email to all the Jesus loving people I know, that would be terrible rude, inconsiderate, and just wrong on a human decency level! Yet, it's fine for Christians to do that somehow. Hmmmm, who seems a little more considerate of others, thinking of others feelings, and understanding that people have and need whatever religious beliefs they have for a reason? Well, that seems like it would be me, the non Christian (because the Christian who sent the damn thing knows full well what my beliefs on the subject are). Doesn't that seem odd that I am accepting of other people views, but said Christian person isn't. That drives me fucking nuts!

The worse part is that the email is in no way factual. It isn't. And the picture doesn't even represent what the email is about. Of course, who needs to know facts when they send out an email to 39 people. Nah, let's just keep sending out the ignorance. Hopefully, the next generation will catch on, and they can be ignorant also! Wait, isn't that what has happened for hundreds of years? Isn't that why it took years for black people to sit with the white folks? Isn't that why gays can't get married? Isn't that why women couldn't vote for all that time? Yes, let's keep spreading the smart!

I don't get offended by much at all. I don't. If you have met me and heard me talk, you know that. Today, I was offended.


d.g. said...

Remember the political crap I got a couple of months ago from "friend?" The same "friend" who sent me SO MUCH religious crap a couple of years ago that I had to ask her husband (who I grew up with) to make her STOP? Yeah, same thing ... she just kept shoving her views down my throat via email with no consideration at all for MY views, which are nothing like hers at all! Here's what I think: religious people grow up being told that they are RIGHT. The end. There IS a god, THEIR god, and anyone who doesn't believe is going to burn in hell. So they take it upon themselves to "preach" to anyone and everyone, in an effort to "save" you, and they could care less if they drive you fucking NUTS as long as you turn Christian in the end, or whatever.

Sometimes I wish I could set up my email to specifically filter out messages with keywords like "jesus, redneck, please send this to 20 people." Yahoo needs to get on that immediately.

I'm not saying I do or don't believe in God or a god, but I will believe what I will believe and a freakin' EMAIL full of useless drivel is certainly not going to change my mind.

Wow ... so wordy I am today. All I was trying to say is "I feel your pain," and I wrote an entire essay. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Some people can be fanatical and inconsiderate but some may not know your views... just saying.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I love that you are wordy, D.G. There are lots of words to be had! Haha! I want that filter. It would really help!

To anonymous, this person knows my views. They have pointed out that they do.

Oh, religion. Such a fun subject. This is why I love it so!