Sunday, April 19, 2009

I feel yucky.

I am at work, and I feel yucky as heck. I am all queasy and vomity. I don't like it. I don't like sick. I am actually going to go so far as to say I have a fever. I have that hot yet chills out of body feeling. Do you know what I am talking about? And this is from me. I don't get sick. Well, I do. I'm human. But, I am not a fake sicker. A headache, cold, sore throat, runny booty, slight fever, and anything like that don't stop me. Something that is just not feeling good is just an inconvenience. Those don't stop me from going to school or work or anything. I mean, if I feel yuck, I might not go to the grocery store or something like that. But, I think this is sick sick.

I am not cool with this. I have to work tomorrow night, and I am not a call in sicker (damn work ethic). So, I am going to go home, take a nice bath, and go directly to bed. I haven't been sick sick in about 2 1/2 years. Wow, maybe longer. It has been since I lived in my little apartment which was way back in 2006. So, there ya go. It's probably been 3 years. And that was super duper sick like when you are a little kid and after the third day you are just crying and want your mom. Living alone isn't so good for that. But, I lived.

Here it is again, though. This had better be just an "I didn't get enough sleep and my defenses are down" type of thing. I guess I am well enough to type here, so I can't be that bad. It isn't actually. But, I know that if I put my head on my desk at this moment, I wouldn't wake up for some time. I keep having to do that know, the one like when you drank way way way to much. Except I didn't. But that stupid weight watchers meal I ate about two hours ago still isn't digesting.

But, I will go home and go to bed and wake up and be refreshed. The shitty part is is that I have to go get dog food before I go home. He's got none. None! I gave him his last cupful when I left for work. So, I have no choice. Dammit! Oh well. It's what a mother has to do. Luckily, Wal-Green's is close. Maybe I will get some Pepto (probably not because that stuff is so so so gross).

Okay, I have to actually do my job and not try to vomit on the phone. Yay! Now, I sure will feel silly if I wake up fine tomorrow. I probably will. I hope so. Working whilst ill just sucks.

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