Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Peculiar Purple Pie Man of Porcupine Peak

In the fine tradition of Laura has the shittiest luck on all the Earth, you guessed it, more suck has happened.  Nothing horrible.  But, a big ass annoyance.  It is one of two things.  One sucks more than the other.  Either my network cable shorted out or the plug on my laptop (which is NEW!  Well, not new new, but like 4 months old new.  So, pretty damn new!) where the network cable goes went out.  Jody found another cable, but it didn't work when plugged in.  So, we are thinking it is the plug.

I did order another network cable.  It will get to us on Wednesday (or so it says).  I ordered it from Circuit City.  I thought they went out of business.  Well, apparently, they didn't.  They just went 1/2 the price of Best Buy.  And since we still have no license plates on the truck (whoopie!), I am having it delivered. So, we shall see.

The good thing is that the computer is still under warranty. And, I think I got some sort of  Geek Squad warranty because I ordered it from the old Best Buy.  I hope it is the danged old cord, though.  That would be such an easier fix. 

But, all is not bad.  I had an excellent time at the Cinco de Pie-O party.  I think I ate about 2394802 pieces of different types of pie.  It was awesome. I  am still full from it.  Wait, that's a lie.  I'm not.  I am full from nothing.  I ate a Lean Cuisine meal earlier, but that doesn't really fill one up.  But, the party was a great time.  I ate, beat the hell out of a pinata, and got to hang out some some super fun people. This is just a sampling (I stole Katie's photo, as I am the only person of my generation who doesn't take a million pictures of everything.  I used to be...look at earlier blogs.  But, I stopped because I am just to lazy to move my arms that much.):

And this doesn't even begin to cover it.  Add pizzas made on a grill!!!, another pot pie, a mac and cheese pie with a bacon crust, and about 16 other desert pies and cobblers and cheesecake (it was sooooo goooood).  You know, what?  I should show you more pies!

It was pretty good, if I do say so myself.  And, thank you to all my friends who take pictures with cool iPhone effects.  My BlackBerry can only do so much.  Poor, lowly BlackBerry.  Pies, though!  Pies!

So, that's about enough out of me for one sitting.  Pies and misery.  Ah, who can ask for anything more?  Me, that's who!


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