Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Here I Am... Rocking You Like a Hurrican

Dearest Readers of the Annoying One (that's me),

The time has come for me to announce one thing.  My week is getting worse!  For real.  I am now losing my voice.  I gotta talk a whole lot a certain periods of time at work (or in about an hour), and it is going.  I sounded like Peter Brady when I got here.  Well, maybe Peter Brady mixed with Kathleen Turner.  However, now I am just sound like an annoyance.  You know when someone loses their voice, but they keep talking?  And it's kinda squeaky yet skipping?  Well, that's me.  And, boy, does it suck!  You people have no idea how much I like to talk!  It's a lot.  A whole danged lot!  Well, if you can tell by the way and amount I write that I love to hear myself, then you get how much I like to talk.  Besides, I'm a woman. You know how we are.

So, other than that, nothing fancy happened since last I wrote.  I didn't write anything about my free stuff over the last couple of days, so I will fill you in on what I got...

A sample of FiberChoice - Apparently, the world of free samples really wants me to poop (see previous posts).

A sample pack of Salonpas Pain Relief patches - This came at a great time, as Jody has pulled a muscle in his back.  I am not sure they really helped, but I pretended they did.

My weekly copy of Entertainment Weekly with hot Johnny Depp on the cover.  Of course, it is for Pirates of the Caribbean 99923049809801293092.  I didn't care for even the first one (and I love me some Depp. Deeply for the Depp.) But, it's still one of the better magazines out there. 

A sample of Hugo Boss Boss Orange - Oh, it smells so good.  I love perfume samples because I am either too cheap or too poor (too poor) to buy actual good perfume.  So, I can smell fancy for free!

My first copy of Country Life Magazine (click that, and you too can get the Country Life!! I know you are thrilled.)  This month's tells us all about the top 10 small tractor accessories or something like that.  Now, I am sure you are wondering what a girl who lives in a hood type area of a major US city would need with Country Life Magazine.  Well, nothing. But, it was free, so I couldn't pass it up.  I have issues (no pun intended) with free things.  I must have them! Even if they are stupid. I still want them.  I mean, I have never taken a laxative in my life, but I sure do have a lot of free samples of it laying around. 

I can't think of anything else.  I am betting there is something else.  I will go home and see it in the mail pile on the coffee table and let you know later.  I don't know why I let you know these things.  I wouldn't give a rat's ass about them.  Wait, yes I would!  I think this is part of my hoarder tendencies.  Thank goodness for the show Hoarders, or I might be in really bad shape!

Okay, the speechless wonder is off.  Gotta do my job.  Or at least pretend to the best of my abilities to do my job! 



d.g. said...

Free stuff is ALWAYS good. No matter what it is, if it's free, it's A-OK in my book!

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I know! I love free stuff. I have random crap all over my house. But, some good stuff, too. I like to think of it as an art, not as a weird quirk that makes me a freak!