Friday, May 20, 2011

Dedicated to the First Official "Rap" Song

So, this may make me a sicko, but I find this video to be tremendously funny.  It might be a good thing that I don't have children.  I think even if I did, it would be hilarious!

Now that you know I am a freakazoid, I will say that I not much be happening in the world o' Laura.  Jody's sister and nephew are in town tonight.  I am not with them, though, because I am at work.  So, they are off having a time.  And I am here having no time of any kind.  Oh well.  I will see them in the morning when I get off.  Not that kind of getting off, as I don't work at that kind of a place. Ba-Da-Ching!  Anyway, I hope they are off having a good time.  I shall bring them breakfast tacos in the morning in hopes of winning over the love of my maybe one day in-laws.

Oh, I keep forgetting that the end of the world is supposed to happen this weekend.  I can't wait!  I hope it happens, as I don't much feel like paying  my bills, going to work, or washing another dish for the rest of my life.  Sure, the world would be gone, over, finito!  But, what the hell do I care.  I am dead like the rest of them.  Wouldn't it be super awesome if it actually happened.  It's not going to, of course.  And it won't in 2012.  The world will end, the day I die.  At least it will to me.  But, I am guessing this weekend isn't going to be the big event.  Well, unless some odd ball religious group buying billboards and ad space around the country makes "God" fall in line!  I am sure "He," like the rest of us falls prey to the PR and Marketing that is the modern American way of life. I am betting, though, he doesn't.  If he did, he would already have his own reality show.  Then he would have gone on to Dancing with the Stars.  So, I take it we are all safe this weekend. I think I will make Jody take me on an end of the world date.  What does one do when the end of the world is happening?

Not too much else going on in the mad world of an aging dingbat.  I got my self some free stuff!  I got a large sample of Brez.  Apparently, it is the natural solution to stopping snoring.  Of course, I won't need them, as I only have a couple of days left to snore.  But, I got them.

I got a copy of Watch magazine.  It's not a very good magazine.  It seems all advertise-y to me.  And Magnum P.I. is on the cover.  Sure, he has a show on right now.  But, really?  Magnum P.I.?  He does have a hot 'stache.  Awarding winning, it is.  (That was my Yoda) Upon looking it up, it is put out by CBS. That's why! 

I got some free pantyliners.  I don't know who made them.  I swear, if you are a girl, you can actually never buy lady products again.  You can get them for free on the Internet all the time.  Sure, sometimes you have to sign up for things that are obviously meant for a 13 year old girl.  But, alas, I am a 35 year old who still falls off the roof.  So, I will sign up for your site.  I sure will.  You know why?  Cause tampons ain't cheap!

Well, that is it for me for the day.  I may or may not be writing in here again because it may not at all exist after this weekend.  Let's hope!

1 comment:

d.g. said...

"A dead SQUEAL!" Ack, but that was weird. Kids are really special, aren't they? ;)

A flow chart told me yesterday that I will be left behind during Rapture on Saturday. Apparently taking the Lord's name in vain is a big no-no, as is wearing linen or wool, and also being on your period. Man, I'm glad I'm not religious. So many restrictions.