Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Am I jealous or an adult? Or a jealous adult?

I know I am not the only person in the world whose parents paid for nothing and pay for nothing. There have to be others. I got no car, no cool vacations, no college money, no backpacking trip through Europe, no school trips to DC, no rent money, no electric bill money, no anything money! I don't expect it now, nor did I expect it when I was 19 (well, maybe I hoped a bit for it then.). I am 33. I know people who's parents still pay for them! I am lucky to get a birthday present much less have my grad degree paid for, as well as my rent. Oh, life would be nice if that were the case. Sure, it means I started out way behind and have had a hard time catching up. Sure it meant I had two or three jobs at a time, and I had to put college on hold for some years. But, it can't be only me (and the couple of you who got nothing just like me).

Sure, it is just jealousy. But, it sucks. I believe if I asked either of my parents to borrow $40, I might get laughed at. Well, one would try, but couldn't do it. But, the other would just say no. So, why is it that people my age still have insurance, rent, school, trips (trips! What the fuck is that all about? What adult deserves a trip for free?), a car, and just stuff like that paid for by someone else? It makes no sense at all.

Okay, that's just my jealous rant of the day. I do find it a bit pathetic. I think I might be a bit better than most people because I have solely supported myself since I was 18. I am self sufficient because I had no choice in the matter. No one would or could ever bail me out of anything. If I didn't pay my rent, I didn't have a place to live. I have lived without phone, lights, food, a car (for a many years), new clothes, a TV, furniture, and many things at some point in my life. Luckily, I don't have to do that now because I learned how not to.

But, back to my point...Is it stupid that I get annoyed at people who have things paid for for them well into their 30s?

**After thought**

Ooooh, I sound bitter, don't I! I'm not. Just annoyed. Not bitter at all. Nope, not me. Not in anyway bitter about spoiled brats getting things they don't deserve! Haha, that was a joke. Sarcasm doesn't translate well, does it? Haha!

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