Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It Done Rained This One Time

It's mother fucking raining, Bitches!  Yeah, I said it.  I said it just like that.  Like a big smack in the mouth.  You have no idea how awesome it is that it is raining.  Today was going to be day 32 without it.  And today is going to be 16 days in a row over 100 degrees.  You know what that means?  It means suck.  It means super sucky drippy penis suck.  Yes, that bad.  If you don't get it, you obviously haven't ever lived in this part of Texas.  Oh, rain!  Yehaw!  And, I got to witness the coolest storm from my office.  It has a fab wall of windows and an awesome view.  So, there.  I got to have a really cool couple of hours.

The Channelview Reunion weekend was pretty awesome.  Two things I learned:

1.  I pretty much suck at bowling.  I think I got a 53 and a 80.  Bad for a grown up person who at one time in her teens was in a bowling league. I found that if I just hurl the damn thing, I get a much better score.  I think they may frown on that.  But, I say pooh to the rules!  I take bowling matters into my own hands.  And, dammit, hurling is what I have to do.  So, I hurl.  Ha.  That's kinda funny there.

2.  I don't really remember what number two was going to be.  A list just isn't so much of a list with just one item on it.  That's just a sentence.  And, I wanted a list, dammit.  There was actually something.  However, it must be very unimportant because I can't remember 152 seconds ago.  Sad, isn't it?

So, my list will end.  But, just let me tell you, I had a great time.  I think we should all get back together for a slumber party soon.  I miss my Channelviewians.  I have Shawn here but not my Mandy.  It's amazing how you can know someone for 25 years (for real...since 4th grade), and you can really find a lot to talk about.  Funny, isn't it.  I sure do like that Mandy!  She's loud.  She's goofy.  She loves boobies (at least that's what her bracelet says).  She's is pretty awesome.

Anyway, fun was had!  Super fun was had.  We bowled.  We ate.  We listen to some "Mom Getting Sensual" music whilst eating.  We gabbed.  It was super fun.

Now, off I go into the rainy yonder!  Freak yes!

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