Monday, May 17, 2010

Just One of the Reasons I Hate Apartments!

Neighbors are too damn close!

Okay, just tell me if this is weird. We have new neighbors. They have been there a month. They are a bunch of young girls and their boyfriends. No big deal. I don't know their names. We have never been introduced. The only thing I know about them is that they go in and out about 32 times a day, and they love to play Guitar Hero very loudly. That's fine. They couldn't be more than 20, so that's fine.

Today, one of the girls knocked on the door. Now, I was asleep, but Jody was awake. As any normal person would do, he ignored it. He knew it was the neighbor and the last time he answered for them we had to give them sugar and eggs. Again, no biggie, but he just didn't feel like dealing with her. So, he ignored it.

Well, that wasn't good enough. She decided to knock louder. The dogs are going nuts. I wake up (though I didn't move). He answers the door. And our dear sweet neighbor who we don't know in any asks to borrow our vacuum cleaner.

What? Really? You ask someone you do not know to borrow their vacuum cleaner. Now, I don't know if I am weird or assholey or what, but doesn't that seem like an odd or maybe even inappropriate thing to ask a neighbor for? I mean, if you know you neighbor, fine. I used to bum my friends Jason and Zack's vacuum, but we hung out every day for four years! We have no idea who you are except the girl who takes 7 out of the 10 parking spaces allotted to our building. What kinda stupid question is that?

Of course, Jody says no. He tells her it is broken. She then goes on about how hers broke and put piles of dirt all over the floor. Yep, well, ours is still "broken."

Maybe I am not very neighborly. Maybe I am just a dick. But, why in the world would I let a stranger borrow my vacuum cleaner? It almost seems gross.

I can't wait to move!

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