Tuesday, January 5, 2010

If Flava Flav Were Here, This Would be More Interesting

Well, after four wonderful days off, I am at work again. You think I would be well-rested and raring to go. Well, I walked in, and blah. Back to blah. I must say having four days off in a row absolutely rules! But, then you have to go back to work. Oh, why am I not rich or at least have a trust fund? Well, that would be because my parents have $.03. So, I guess I will have to keep having a job!

In the past couple of days, I have done absolutely nothing. So, I am guessing there isn't much exciting to talk about. Jody did give me a fabulous massage last night. Sometimes, he just does super awesome things like that for me. I highly recommend loving up on a massage therapist. It sure makes for random relaxation!

We went to the grocery store. That's fancy! And Target. Well, I went to Target. I went to both the ritzy HEB and Target. You know, we moved from Crack Land to Cracker Land. I am not really sure which is worse. I am not the biggest fan of having a pimp beat his bottom bitch in my front yard, but I am also not a fan of a soccer mom half telling me off because she doesn't want to move her buggy that is parked sideways in the middle of the tampon aisle. Actually, when you say politely (and I am polite. Believe me. My mother would beat me if I weren't), "Do you mind if I move this over a bit?" and the answer is, "Don't touch my cart. Can't you go the other way?" is the answer, it takes all you can to not bust a snotty bitch in the eye. But, I didn't. I went the other way. I should have stolen her purse! It was just sitting there.

But, I digress.

Nothing at all is going on. I have no new opinions on anything. Imagine that. That's new.

Oh, I do have a doctor appointment tomorrow to do a check up on my new asthma medication because imagine this...I have asthma! Who knew? Not me. Not anyone! Isn't that nuts. What I thought was an allergic reaction that just would not go away turns out to be asthma. That sucks, but what is good is this...I am getting treated for it. Who knew I couldn't really breathe? Not me. I thought I breathed just fine except for when the allergies got me. But, alas, that was not so. Now I am breathing like a champ. I didn't realize my lungs sucked. But, they do. So, yeah for modern technology and health insurance!

In other news, I am obsessed with The Secret Life of the American Teenager and Teen Mom. Oh, they are so good. I am not sure what my obsession with teenage pregnancy is. Maybe it was growing up in Channelview where 7 out of 10 girls were teenage mothers. (It super odd to see them on Facebook with these older teenage kids. It makes me feel old and young at the same time because I haven't even started yet, but here are my classmates with their kids going to prom!!) But, for some reason I love these shows. I just want to call these girls and let them know that there is way more life to live before kids. But, I can't. And some would say I am missing out on that aspect. But, I certainly would not have wanted to find out as a teenager. Lord, I was so stupid! I can't imagine being responsible for a person. Hell, I am stupid now. That's why I haven't started. That, and I can't figure out how the hell I would afford one.

Anyway, I am obsessed with these shows! I love them. I want to watch them all the time. In fact, I watched the whole last season of TSLOTAM (how cool am I) in two days. Yep, I did. It's so good. Hokey and corny. And they say the word sex about 77 times an episode. But, I still love it!

Okay, enough of this pointless blog. LF out!

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