Saturday, August 1, 2009

June Cleaver, I am not!

You know what sucks? Making a grocery list on a budget. We are moving soon (more details soon!), so we are budgeting like a son of a bitch because moving is super pricey. So is graduating from graduate school (or any school). So we are on a budget. And, man, our meals are getting boring! Any suggestions? I mean, how many times can you have sandwich night, spaghetti night, taco night, stir fry night... you are getting it, right? Boring!

Is this any way for two modern people in their 30s who are shacking up to eat? Aren't we supposed to be eating fancy, cool, modern meals? Hell, I can't even think of any! I need help. What kind of a woman am I that I pawn off most of the cooking on the Jodster? And then when I do it, it's super boring! Cereal night, anyone?

But, luckily, the Fellow has show starting up again next week (different band, not The Wooden Birds), so maybe we will do our normal budgeting...groceries, then eat out for a week. That's how it usually happens. Maybe we will be good, though. Uhauls ain't free! Neither is anything having anything to do with moving. Ugh a loo!

Oh, wow, this is a boring blog. Sorry, Folks (or Folk). Yes, boring, but anyone have any cheap and somewhat vegetarian friendly meal ideas? By that I mean, I can make anything vegetarian if need be. But, if it is beef pie with a bacon crust and a side of minced chicken...well, you get it. Oh, and don't worry, the Jod eats the meat. Hell, he loves the shit out of the meat! And, I would never deny a man of his meat. He looks too damn cute when he gets that glimmer in his eyes when he grills to let that go!

So, give me some help. I have become an unimaginative freakazoid! Ahhhh!


Amanda said...

I've got some recipes you might like. I'll call you or email them to you. There is one I call Happy Noodles...SOOOOO GOOOD!!! I found the recipe when I was doing the vegan thing, I still eat them now only I add chicken. :)

You can also go to It's a free website that you can join and you can set up your own recipe box and they have THOUSANDS of recipes you can browse through. When I started cooking, that's where I found most of my favorite things to cook!

d.g. said...

Don't look at me -- we had spaghetti last night. All we can afford right now is pasta, rice and ramen noodles -- so, yeah. I understand about eating on a budget. It's extraordinarily boring. And carb-tastic.