Friday, August 28, 2009

People are assfaces sometimes!

This may be too much info, but I don't care. It is my blog. And if I want to talk about gross things, I can. Mandy, close your eyes now...

Okay, I work 12 to 13 hour shifts at work. Sometimes during these shifts, one must use the facilities, if you get my drift. I mean, "use" the facilities. I am being tactful here.

So, on occasion one must go. And if one where me, one can't go with anyone else in the bathroom. It ain't happening. I will sit there dying, but I will not go! I can't. I really just can't. Can't have any sort of an audience.

So, when this happens I try to wait out the people in the bathroom. What kills me is when people don't leave. You know when someone is in a stall waiting for some privacy. When I am that person not in the stall, I hurry my ass up before others come in because I know the stall person needs a moment. I get in and out. Give that person a moment alone.

Not where I work! Not at all. Today, (okay, y'all, I had to poop today. I let the secret out! I poop!) I went in a sat down. Of course, someone walks in behind me. Dang! She tinkles then proceeds to take 1 minute and 17 seconds (I was timing with my phone and counting in my head) to wash her stupid hands, dry them off with apparently 92303489 paper towels, and leave. Why? Did she pee all over her arms and hands? Does she have to look in the mirror for 30 seconds? What the hell, lady! Get the fuck out! I almost screamed it. I really did.

People, go to the bathroom and get out, especially if you know someone is in there and has to go. 1 minute 17 seconds is a long time to sit on the pot and not go when you really, really have to! I mean, I only go when absolutely necessary in public. So, come on. Would you not want someone to leave you alone for a moment? That is far too much time to spend washing your danged hands. And all the paper towels? You damn tree killer! Come on. Get the fuck out of the bathroom!

Okay, that is my rant. I have no idea why people just don't show a little bit of kindness by washing their hands and getting the hell out. You know when someone has to go. So, let them go for Christ's sake! It's the only decent thing to do.

Okay, enough of my rant. But, keep in mind next time you want to spend five minutes in the bathroom just screwing around that others might really have to go and would rather gouge their eyes out with broken glass than have to go when others are around. Be kind, rewind, People!

Thank you, and goodnight!


d.g. said...

Same exact thing here. We have public restrooms, used by everyone on the floor, but there aren't that many of us ladies ... maybe 10 or so. And when I only need to pee, I fly in and fly out, as fast as possible. But some of these bitches are dawdlers, oh yes, same thing, 5 minutes to wash their hands, and ... pick their nose? curl their hair? WTH are they doing to me while I sit there and cry because my innards are about to explode? It's all about respect ... and some people just don't have it.

Oh, wow. That was gross. Sorry. =)

Amanda said...

I'm OK...that wasn't that bad! Thank you for using the word poop and not other disgusting words...I think poop kind of cutes it up.