Saturday, August 22, 2009

Moving, Omlets, and Douchebag Sorority Girls....Ah, what a Friday night!

Well, ain't a whole lot has happened in the past few days. We are looking at new places to live. I think we are going with a place in the Far West area. I never thought I would live over there. But, it's clean, cheap, and close to enough crap that it is convinient. It beats the hell out of living in the semi-ghetto we live in right now.

Don't get me wrong, I love it over here! I do. I am a ghetto person. But, sometimes, you just have to move on. So, that is what we are doing. Well, we kinda have to because we aren't renewing our lease because the house we live in is falling apart. Not horribly. Well, somewhat. It's just time to move on.

I sure do hate moving. I do. I really hate it. I'm not even good at it anymore the way I used to be. I think I have gotten too fat and too old to want to do this anymore! Also, I am too lazy. And, it is too hot! For real! But mostly, I just don't want to do it. But, I guess I am gonna.

New Subject!

Last night, the Jodster and I went to the Star Seeds. It's a fairly decent dive restaurant. It used to be a lot divier until this douche bag restaurant bought them, but that's another story.

So, we are sitting there, and this girl at the next booth kept asking the waitress the most ridiculous questions. She actually had the waitress go to the kitchen to ask the "Chef" (that's what the dumb girl said) how he prepared the chicken in a couple of dishes. Now this might sound reasonable at some places, but here, it's not. It's retarded! Just to give you an idea of why, here are some pictures of the place.

That is the whole thing. A few booths and a counter. The chef doesn't prepare the chicken. He cooks that shit! This is a restaurant that I have had a waiter bring me food with his track marks bleeding. I am not lying. This isn't a chef restaurant!

Then she kept asking about things on the menu even though she didn't have one with her. She asked things like..."What do you have?" Seriously! The waitress was trying to recommend things, but she was liking them.

"How about a breakfast taco?"
"What's in it?" (what's in it? Is she retarded? What ever the hell you want to be in it!)
"Well, lots of thing. They're good, and they are pretty big."
"Well, that sounds too big. I don't want that. Do you have regular tacos?"
"We do. They come with..."
"Wait, I don't want that."

At this point the waitress reaches over the counter and grabs a menu for the girl and hands it to her.

"I don't want that. Just bring me some queso. (Of course. After all that, like the dumb sorostitute she is, she orders something like queso.)

"You want the appetizer sized queso?"
"Well, yes."

Then the douche lets out a big sigh and falls back in the booth like she's exasperated.

Are you fucking kidding me? I really wanted to go over and punch her. For real! She was such a douche. Here is a picture of her that I had to take because she was an asshole. It's a crappy picture, but I got what I could get.

See her over there leaning against the wall. She had a dirty look on her face the whole time!

And the awesome part was the queso and chips where huge! I think they might have given her an extra big one because she didn't want anything big because it all seemed to be too much. And can someone explain how a breakfast taco is less anything than a large order of chips and queso? I would think the queso would be worse for you. But, what do I know, I am not a stupid,spoiled 18 year old sorority girl with a permanent sneer. Luckily, other than "I can't talk to her because her face is so ugly" and "Why don't I have more tea? Where's the girl?," I was able to block her out for the rest of our meal. Thank goodness for good company, a yummy vegetarian omelet, and my new friend Frenchy the Snooty French cup of Coke.

Really, the girl was a complete asshole, and not in that good kind of asshole way I like. She was more of a twat, I would say. Of course, this is what happens to Austin every August. The influx of a whole new crop of 18 year old douchebags! Luckily, many will drop out for reasons such as: binge drinking and failing classes, gaining weight, getting a complex, becoming depressed, and dropping classes, or getting pregnant and dropping out. So come October, it is more normal. Still full of dickheads like that girl above but less of them.

So, that is all for me for now. I am off to either grocery shop or pack boxes. I can't decide which I want to do less, so it is difficult to decide. Maybe I will just sit here and watch TV. No, I know I will just sit here and watch TV.

That is all!

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