Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a birthday it was!

(Be warned that the pictures are all a tizzy here. I tried to be fancy with formatting. It didn't work at all!)

It's official. I am old! Well, I guess I am not old. I'm not this lady yet. But, I am getting there. I am now a whopping 33! 33! Agh. I think I am okay with it. I am. I really am. And thanks to all my friends (and my wonderful sister who sent me a Wal-Green's gift card where I will purchase my youthful skin back!)

I had three fun celebrations of my birth! Two included other people's celebrations of birth! I love that I know so many people with birthdays around mine. I love to surround myself with my fellow Pisces. We are weirdos, and I love weirdos!

Anyway, the week started off in Seabrook where Mandy, Jacob (C. not W or Jakob with a K), and I had a shindig! My who high school bunch was there except Jerry who is off being awesome in New York.

We all had some yummy sushi. Then we stopped by to pick up Terra, and off we went to the bar. Now, mind you, we tried not to be drunken fools. We tried to go bowling. Who knew bowling closes at 9? Hello! Some people might want to bowl at 10:30! But, alas, it was not to be. So off to the bar we went!

At said bar, we had a fantastic time. There was drinking and picture taking and laughing and.....karaoke! Oh yes!

Shawn, of course, was awesome because he can sing. Mandy worshipped him as he did.

Then came me! I sang the dirty version of Me So Horny by the fabulous 2 Live Crew. That was followed by Snow Informer

Then my wonderful, sweet, sexy, unbelievable awesome boyfriend Jody sang You Lost that Loving Feeling which sounded so good. I know he doesn't think he can sing, but he sounds awesome. Of course, I am in love with the goon. But, it doesn't sound bad at all. I wish he were home so we could make out right now! Oh, I am sorry, I digress. Anyway, he sang, and was awesome!

After that, there was a rousing rendention of Love Shack starring Terra, Mandy, and I. Then there was some Tool and some of this other terrible guy. Then it was off to Mandy's for some chatting and Whataburger, power ballads, gossip, more drinking, bang showing, dancing, Channelette DVDs, and lots of improper talk! Thank you, Jeanah for filling me in on all the lasted Channelview goings on. I miss out on a lot here in Austin!

I had so much fun, it wasn't even funny! I miss all my people. I do! I had a great time. Here are just a couple more pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Then there was the Friday Night Panini Party to celebrate the births of me and Katie Nana! It was so much fun. I love my people. I really do. You just have no idea. So, getting to celebrate with them (even though I see them on a weekly basis) is so much fun!! We hung out, drank, ate the hell out of some damn panini, burned out mouths, got toasted (although it took me a long time to realize it was for real and not a jack assy joke being played on Katie and me. You just have to know my people), and had an all around awesome time! I think it is best shown with pictures. So, here ya go!

Then yesterday -The Real Birthday! The March 14! The 3.14! The greatest Day Ever as stated by both the House of Representatives and The Bible! See, it is an important day!

On the day I turned 33, I started out with Shawn, Jody, and Brian (Shawn's super awesome boyfriend who has great taste in jackets and looks like someone I have known, but I can't think of who!) at Ginger Man. After a couple of beers, and a very odd experience with a girl who made me go chug beers in the bathroom because her husband (who was outside) didn't like her to drink (this was a very surreal experience. I wasn't quite sure what was going on until we left. It was freaky!! This girl was all over the place!), we were off to Banzai for more sushi! I love sushi. Then we came back to Jody and my (mine's? What is proper here?) for a bit more chit chat and fun. I didn't bring my camera. Booooo! I should have because there were some fine picture opportunities!

Straight from that Jody and I went to Trav and Jacob's, meet Michael, and off we went to eat for my big birthday dinner! And guess where we went? Well, of course, where any girl would choose to go eat for her birthday...Furr's!
Now, I have never been to a Furr's. But, it was good. I think better than Luby's, although I haven't been to a Luby's in about 8 years. But, I loved it. I love ice cream scoops of food. I love strange but good pie. I love cafeteria food. I can't help it. It must be because I am so old!

Then we were off to ">Peter Pan Putt-Putt for some fun and excitement. I did quite well with my 64 on an 18 hole course. Of course, I came in last! But, luckily, there was no true winner since Trav and Jacob both tied for first. That means it is a wash (at least in my book), hence I win. I have no idea why, but it was my birthday, so I say I win! Okay, I came in last! But, I don't mind.

Again, I didn't have my camera because I am a goon. But, thanks to the wonderful remembering mind of Michael, we got a few! Here a Jody and I being gold pros...

I am looking absolutely fab in the photo. Keep in mind that I have been doing a lot of having a good time and had gotten drunk by chugging beer in the Ginger Man bathroom earlier that day. Oh, and I got that double chin/wonky hair/no makeup thing going on. Ooooh, I am sure pretty!

Today, reflecting over the last week, I must say that this is probably the best birthday week I have ever had. (Or remember because I am an old fuck now). I love all my people. I miss all my Houston people. It's strange how you forget how much you love people until you get back around them! Anyway, I had a great time.

Thanks all my friends! Y'all are incredibly super! It was a great birthday!


Amanda said...

I agree, 33 has been one of the best birthdays ever! I'm glad you finally got to meet Brian...he's pretty awesome.

Having the whole group together (minus one, plus some others) was fabulous! I had forgotten how much fun we always had. We HAVE to do it again!

Anonymous said...