Saturday, May 30, 2009

There is no basement in the Alamo

What a weekend I have had so far. Oh, boy, it has been exciting. Actually, it hasn't been so bad. Sure, I am at work on a Saturday night. But I had a pretty good day and last night.

Last night, I became the East Austin Monopoly Champion. Okay, not really. But, I did win Monopoly! I played some mighty opponents-Travis and Jacob. And I won!!! Yehaw! Jacob went out first, as you will see here by his three dollars!

He just happened to land on the taxes box, and is trying to figure out what 10% of his stuff is, as opposed to paying $200. It was way less then $200. So, I do believe that took him out!

Trav and I played on. Oh, it was a grueling game. But, in the end, I reined victorious! Wanna see my wad of cash? Sure you do! By the way, I had all the $100 bills in the game. Yep, all of them. Then the gamed owed me, so I traded them in for $500 bills. That's how much I ruled that bitch!

Look at that! I threw that Jacob picture in there one more time just to remind him who won that damn game! ME!!!! I'm not a bad winner or anything. Not at all. I will not throw it in your face that I won the mother fucker! Yehaw! Heck, you think this is bad, you should see when I lose. I am not a game thrower (I have had a Monopoly game thrown more than once. And one of you who is probably reading this is one of the culprits! Hehe!), but I am a sore loser.

All in all, a great Friday night (even though it wasn't spent at the soccer game where it was supposed to be spent. Money and Planes. Fuckers.)

Today started out pretty cool. My friend Ryan got married to a fabulous girl named Emily. I have hung out with her from time to time, but she is in school in H-town (I can't believe I wrote that), so she isn't around to hang out as much. But she's super great. And she's a hula dancer and ballerina (on top of being a scientist which I think is rad). But, they got hitched this morning.

It was a beautiful wedding. And it was in a church! Do you know how long it has been since I was in a church? Like 15 years or so. It was really weird. The place didn't catch fire when I walked in. And, I kept the god damns to a minimum. Well, I think I did. I tried. Generally, I don't catch it. I was on the lookout this morning, though. It was a gorgeous wedding! Emily look beautiful. Ryan looked awesome in his seersucker suit. Everything was just so pretty and weddingy.

Luckily, I didn't cry. There were far to many prayers for me to cry. Just about the time I was about to get to bawling, here came some stupid prayer or hymn. Jesus crap always just sends me to annoyance land, so that knocked the crying-girl-at-a-wedding out of me.

But, don't they look pretty.

Yes, the pictures suck. But, I was far back and using my phone because our camera is roaming somewhere in Hamburg, Germany. So, I just got some phone pictures. Ignore the other Emily who is sitting in front of me. Well, don't ignore her because she's cool. But, for pictures sake, just look at the other Emily and Ryan.

After that, we went to the reception which was at the Driskill Hotel. It was fab! The Driskill is this old, historic hotel on 6th street (well, I guess if it is historic, it is old. Duh!). I have never actually set foot in it because I am white trash, and it's a damn fancy place.

This reception was incredible! There was an open bar! Of course, I had to work tonight, so I limited myself to a mimosa. Just the one lonely mimosa. They had champagne, and I love the hell out of that. But, you know, work ethic and not being here half drunk is a good thing.

They had neat horse do overs or oer douvres as the fancy people like to call them. People walking around with trays! It was so cool. Then we sat down to a fancy assed meal. I had the wild mushroom risotto with a mushroom, asparagus puff pastry. It was so damn good. The meat eaters actually had filet mignon and shrimp. It was tremendously yummy. And, the cake. Holy cow, the cake!

I danced a little with my boys because my boy is still out there making the world a better place with music. (And visiting the coolest spot ever! The place where Pee Wee and the dinosaurs happened.)

Anyway, that had nothing to do with the reception, but I'm hot for him. So, I will force you to look at him!

We had a great time. I wish we didn't have to leave. Well, it was over. And though I am missing the night festivities at the Broken Spoke, it was overall a great day.


Amanda said...

I'm sorry I threw a monopoly game at your face. I will never forget your reaction..."Damn, I was winnin...I never win Monopoly." You're not the only person I threw a Monopoly game at either, I think the ex had it thrown at him a couple of times.

Amanda said...

"Let's talk about your big but, Simone..."