Sunday, May 17, 2009

I sure is uninteresting this week

This blog has been a boring ass blog for a little bit now. I have just not been much in the blogging mood. Usually I want to talk and talk and talk and talk about myself. But, lately, I have just not been in the mood. So, I haven't really written much of anything. Bad for a writer. It's a hard habit to keep up with sometimes. But, I gotta do it. Actually, I like to do it. But, you know how sometimes you just tired of things you like. Well, that has happened in the last couple of weeks.

But, alas, tonight, I am in a writing mood. Sadly, I have nothing to write about. What the hell will I write about? There isn't even anything in the news worthy of speaking about. I could speak for hours about how happy I am to be getting my dear darling Jody back for a few days before he is out on the road again. The road is fucking hard. It's also really fucking tough. There's no question that it is rough, rough stuff. I am so thrilled I can barely stand it! I can't wait to curl up with him in bed. It's so weird to get used to sleeping alone. Ugh. I miss him spooning on me. Awwww, ain't that sweet?

I have recently become addicted to this stupid facebook game called Farm Town. Thanks so much for that, Mandy. At this very moment, I am flipping between tabs waiting for my corn to finish growing. It is at 99%, so we're close. This is so pathetic. It's like my severe addiction to the Sims (3 comes out June 2!! Woohoo!!). Of course, there are far fewer things to do which is good because I can't literally spend many many hours and days playing the Sims. It's stupid and pathetic. But, I know someone who has the same addiction. We Sims talk a lot. It's probably dumb. No, it is. But, we all have our addictions. At least it ain't the smack.

I am having a great fun allergy headache today. I hate that. I don't get headaches very often, thank goodness, but this one is a doozy. And I just keep sneezing. It's driving me bananas. And having to work with a headache is hard. Simply because I have a very very very very detail oriented job. So, you have to pay super attention to a lot of things. If I screw up something, I might screw up a whole hospital's staffing for the night. And that ain't good to do. But, this headache is actually bothering me. Ugh! I am probably also really tired. No, I am. I haven't slept well the last few of nights. I go through bouts of insomnia. Super fun. And working overnight 12-14 hour shifts, that ain't so good. But once my cuddly bumpkins gets back, all should be well sleep wise. Did you get that cuddle bumpkins thing? Haha. That's Jody. I a such a maroon.

What else is new or going on or happening or what have you? Nothing, just like in the first half of this blog post. Oh no, I bet you are thinking. We are only halfway through this post? Well, maybe not. That just depends on how much I can come up with here for the next few minutes. Okay, we are coming up with nothing.

I have watched some good movies lately. I highly recommend The Reader. And Slumdog Millionaire was so good. It was nothing like I thought it was going to be. Nothing at all. In fact, I didn't really want to see it. But, wow, I am glad I did. Damn good movie. The Reader, too. I cried the whole damn time. Of course, there was sex and boobs because Kate Winslet was in it. I wonder if they let her be in a movie without having to do that? Probably not. She's good at sex scenes. She should just go with it. I still think The Wrestler should have won best picture, though.

I am currently rewatching Degrassi High. I haven't watched it since it came on some 20 years ago or so. Oh, dear, I'm old. Anyway, it's pretty good. Just like I remember. They are covering all the hard teen issues like: abortion, pregnancy and giving birth, skin headedness, divorce, cheating, breakups, Pogues T-shirts, music videos, paralysis, making out with Wheels (isn't that a terrible name), making out with Clutch (an even worse name), making out with Spike (oh, the names just keep a rolling), the identical twins where one is actually ugly and the other is not (I know that sounds weird, but it's true), the huge hair, the Canadian accents...oh, and I am only on the first DVD! It's amazing!

Okay, enough of me for now.

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