Friday, February 27, 2009

Things I have realized in the last half hour

1. I do not ever want to have a beard.

2. Darlin' Nikki is a really cool song. Like really cool. The drums are awesome, and all know how I love me some drummer.

3. My hair will never ever ever be wash, brush, and go. Every day will include a
flatiron (is that supposed to be one word?), a curling iron, or lots of rubber
bands and bobbie pins. That is a harsh reality to face.

4. I just will never love facebook the way I love myspace. Yet, I have to be there
because myspace is now a rocky place where my seed can find no purchase. And I am
addicted to social network sites, so I must go there.

5. There is no way every one of my facebook friends is that happy. Come on! All you
people from high school? There is just no way. One of you is regularly beaten by
your spouse. One of you hates your kids. One of you is fucking your kids. One
of you is damn near bankrupt. I just don't know who because you are all smiling
and happy in your photos! But you can't be! There is just no way. But, there
you all are, smiling in the photos.

6. I like a Beyonce song. And I have to come to grips with it. I know it's okay.
Everyone is allowed on Beyonce song whether it be Beyonce, Plain White Ts, Jonas
Brothers, or Rascal Flats. It is not okay if your Beyonce song is Celine Dion.

7. I will never like mint. I won't. And I will never love a toothpaste. But, I
keep on brushing through the taste.

8. I love reading, but I am so tired of it. School has sucked the read out of me. I
am sure it will come back. But, as of right now, I am so sick of reading.

9. Every time I hear Moving in Stereo I see
Pheobe Cates' boobs appear before me. Unfortunately every time I hear Just What I Needed I think of Boys Don't Cry. Then I get all sad and cry-y.

10. I have made the format of this blog all goony. I wonder how. Wow, I am impressive. I don't even know how I did that. Lord, I am cool!


d.g. said...

My hair isn't wash-n-go, either, alas. This makes me very, very sad, but I can only sigh, dry, flat iron, and use a brush, comb, gel, mousse and hairspray, and then curse loudly when the hair still refuses to behave. Blah. I feel your pain.

And I also like a Beyonce song. And possibly some Shakira, too, though I loathe to admit it. But, in my defense, they have very singable songs, which is a must for me, as singing at the top of my lungs in my car is the proper way to drive, of course.

Gina said...

Have you tried cinnamon toothpaste? Just a thought. Oh, and I finally deleted my myspace and I am still glad I did. I love facebook, but feel the way you do about the ridiculous people. Seriously....

Amanda said...

Let me tell you, last weekend I was looking at everyone's facebook pages and I got really depressed. I told my mom that I was a total loser and how come everyone else I knew from high school was successful, married and happy. She looked at me and told me to get real...the majority of those people are most likely miserable and have no way to escape their lives. She also told me that I should be happy I didn't settle for the first guy that showed me a little attention and shoot out a couple of kids. So, that made me feel a little better.