Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My back!

In keeping with my ever aging self, it seems I have thrown out my back! Yes, I am getting old and rickety. See, I did this incredible thing. I bent over. Yep, bent over and there it goes. I can't move. Day two now. I am feeling better, but it still hurts like a son of a bitch. Oh, mix old age, fatness, big boobs, and an utter lack of movement, and this is what you get. Hurray! It might have been the shoes I wore on Valentine's day (which was awesome, by the way). Oh well. At least I can walk now, kinda. I did get to spend most of the day playing Spore because I couldn't do much else. Of course, getting up to pee was a bit difficult.



Amanda said...

About once a year my back goes out. Apparently, all the years of tapping and kicking on a concrete floor, not to mention lifting girls over my head did a number on my back. My advice is...GO TO THE CHIROPRACTOR! That is the only thing that gets me back to normal.

d.g. said...

Mine goes out occasionally as well - courtesy of an injury my senior year and a car wreck a couple years later. Oy. I usually just take muscle relaxers (if I can manage to army-crawl my ass across the house to get them) until the pain abates. Back problems blow.

I need to try Spore. Chris bought it in September, but I just haven't gotten around to installing it yet.

Hope your back starts cooperating again soon!