Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Useless Pieces of Information About Laura Ferguson (as seen on Facebook)

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I am a vegetarian. I think people find it hard to believe there are fat vegetarians. There are. I am one of them. I have been a vegetarian for 5 years. I do eat some fish on occasion because everyone needs sushi (okay, and a Whatacatch). It has nothing to do with the animals. I could care less. I boycott the meat/chicken industry. Read Fast Food Nation, and you too shall become a vegetarian. You think I lie. I do not.

2. I am almost finished with my masters degree in creative writing. I don't think people know I write. So, I am sure me having an advanced degree in it will be surprising.

3. I can't set timers on microwaves, my alarm clock- anything that a time can be set on- to a normal number. I have to set it for like 3:22 or 94 seconds. I can't do round numbers. Nothing that ends in a 0 or 5. I just can't. It freaks me out. If it so happens that something is set like that, I reset it. It is a compulsion.

4. I love my birthday. It is March 14. That's pi or 3.14! I point it out on everything. If it is 3:14, I point it out. If I see 314 in a phone number, I point it out. I love my birthday!! I will probably announce it to everyone starting the week before. Did I mention it is March 14?

5. On birthdays, I believe your birthday is your own national holiday. You shouldn't have to work, go to school, clean, cook, do anything. I think everyone should celebrate. I think we should all have celebrations as big as Jesus on his birthday.

6. I make terrible comments about Jesus and God and religion all the time. In fact, I make terrible comments about everything all the time. I don't get offended by much. I really don't. So, I have a hard time remembering that other people do. So, I just say things. It throws me that people get offended. I am really the worst with Jesus and sex. And if you know me, you know how hard it is for me not to make a really tacky comment right here!

7. I have never had lobster. I really want to try it.

8. I work 12 hour night shifts 3 or 4 days a week. This causes a really weird schedule for the rest of the week. It is probably why no one ever hears from me during the day and all the comments on your pages are done at night.

9. My favorite show of all times is Roseanne. I can pretty much recite the entire series. I feel like those are my actual family members. I know them better than I know anyone in my family.

10. I think I have a slight case of Tourette Syndrome. I randomly have urges to scream or wiggle my fingers. I can only believe it is a slight case of Tourette Syndrome.

11. I make up stupid songs and sing them all the time. I was once told I live my life as a musical. I do.

12. I remember my dreams. I remember most of them for long periods of time. In fact, I remember dreams I had when I was a little bitty kid. I have tons of dreams bouncing around in my head. For some reason they just stick with me. Last nights involved Jody locking a horse in a bathroom then driving away. I can go into great detail if you need to know more.

13. I love Lost. I am a Lost nerd. Please feel free to email me to discuss it if you want.

14. Is stopped biting my nails when I was 18 only to start biting my cuticles. I do it all the time. I am sure it is disgusting. Well, I know it is. But, I don't even realize I am doing it.

15. I have trained myself not to do my natural laugh which is a honk/snort type thing. Some have heard it. Most have not. Long ago I made sure it never came out. On occasion it does. If you hear it, you are actually funny.

16. I like tomatoes in stuff and on stuff, but I do not like them alone or in salads, except that tomatoe, basil, mozzarella salad. That stuff is good as hell.

17. My real dream in life is to be on Saturday Night Live or a stand-up comedian.

18. I don't like hot fruit. I can't stand it! It is the worst thing put on the earth - cooked fruit. Fruit should stay as fruit is. This means I hate hate hate fruit pies, cobbler, and anything hot fruit is involved in. Nothing makes me want to puke like the thought of peach cobbler. Ugh! I don't mind a muffin or banana bread. But big hunks of hot fruit! Oh, and don't get me started on putting that crap in oatmeal or breakfast things. No no no! Yuck yuck yuck. I got the shivers just thinking about it right now.

19. I am deathly afraid of heights. I don't want to so much as stand on a chair. Second wrung of a ladder is high enough for me. I am cool on planes and roller coasters because I am strapped in. But, I hate the rest of it.

20. I once tried out for Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I didn't make it.

21. I have a thing for Go Go Boots. I love them. I have a few pairs. My red ones are my favorite. There are a pink pair and a purple pair that I really need to go buy. I don't wear them so much because I have nowhere to wear them (and they make me 6'2). But, I love them none-the-less.

22. Until my current boyfriend (who has been my boyfriend for some time now), I had never spooned. And it is wonderful. I didn't know I could sleep so peacefully with someone hugging up on me. Now it is hard to sleep without him wrapped around me. Wait, that sounds corny as hell. What a fruity comment! But, it's true, so I am leaving it.

23. I read Craigslist obsessively. I read it all. Rants and Raves, Free section, Casual Encounters (totally read this because it is super entertaining) message boards, jobs, real estate. It's a pretty fierce addiction. I can't figure out what I did before Craigslist. Was there life before Craigslist? I am sure there was, but it was too boring to remember.

24. No matter where I am or what I am doing, I am going to drop something down my shirt. If I take only one bite of food, half of it will end up on my shirt. Actually, it will end up on my boobs. They are what I call my shelf. Nothing gets past them. But, I will drop something on them. I always do. Always.

25. I once stayed up for an entire weekend and watched the first three seasons of The Real World. I didn't sleep the entire time. Don't judge. It was before it got terrible. I would have held out for the fourth season had my body allowed it.

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