Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I've Got a Full Magazine

It's amazing how one blog can get so behind when you fail to write in it on a regular basis.  I think there must be some sort of gene missing in my DNA that reminds me to do this.  Of course, it could be because no one is reading it.  Also, it could be because my ego isn't incredibly large.  I don't know what.  But, I am always forgetting about this goony blog.

So nothing fancy today.  I have been busy, as I am now the Editor-in-Chief of InFluential Magazine.  Yes sirree Bob, I am a fancy editor now instead of just a lowly assistant editor.  Now, that being said, don't go looking for grammatical errors.  You will find them, I am sure.  I never reread this.  Hopefully, though, there aren't too many!  Funny thing is, there is one on my page about me.  Yep.  I need to get that changed.  It kinda makes us all look like a bunch of goons.

This isn't my pile.  My pile is far superior.
So, now that I am on the subject of magazines, I realized the other day that I get a lot of magazines.  Seems some years ago (about 10 from what I can remember) I was added to some sort of odd magazine list.  This magazine list addition entitled me to free magazine subscriptions.  Many magazine subscriptions.  And, let me tell you, I get a lot. .

It's sort of a blessing and a curse.  I love them. I love having them. I  love reading them.  Unfortunately, I get more than I can even begin to read, so I have a huge backlog of them sitting next to my bed, on my coffee table, and by the john.  I also feel pretty bad about the environment and all being as I am using a shit ton of paper each month.  But, I pass them on to others to read and do art projects.  I am hoping that makes it okay.  I can't figure out how to stop them anyway, so I guess it will have to do. 

You wanna know how many magazines I get?  Here's a list of the ones I can think of right this minute.  I might be missing some. I probably am because I just remembered three more.

Woman's Day
Martha Stewart Living (I love this one!  I so love Martha Stewart.  She's the MacGyver of Homemaking!)
Everyday Food
Family Fun (boring!)
Spin  (I know far too much about LMFAO now. I still hate them, as I should because I am not 14.)
More (and I'm not even over 40.  Oh, taboooo!)
Art in America
Forbes (Far more interesting than you think it will be.)
Seattle (I have no idea how I got this one being as I am in Austin.)
Ladies Home Journal
Better Homes and Gardens (See the trend in lady magazines? Is it sad that I love them?)
Island Living
Tape Op
Guitar Player
Outside (Crazy good magazine even though I rarely go outside.  Not even  into the yard, really.)
Bride (This strangely bores me even though I am about to be a bride.)
Another pile that my pile laughs at.
Fitness (As you can tell by my pictures I do not take these to heart.)
American Baby (And I have no kids, so there's that!)

That's all I can think of.  I used to get a lot more.  Some just stop while others start.  I have gotten some for the duration of this odd magazine experiment.  I have no idea when they stop or why.  I have no idea why they start or when.  I do know that if you need any sort of cleaning, cooking, baby, fitness, clothing, art, or financial tip I am your girl!

I once got on some list that sent me a free sample of Mentos almost every day for about a year.  I hate Mentos.  I wanted to be off that list.  But, this list is one I am cool with being on.  Let's just hope I stay on there forever!

1 comment:

terra said...

I have never heard of most of these magazines. I bet your mail person hates you.