Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Book is a book, of course, of course...

The other day I was driving down the freeway. On the side of the road was a book. It was open and flapping in the freeway breeze. It was a paperback. It looked like a novel. Since then, I have wondered what it is. Was it a good book? What was the title? Who threw it out? Did they mean to throw it out? Is it sad being out there on the side of 183? Has it been read? I am just so curious. That poor book.


Unknown said...

I always wonder that about cassette tape that is strown about flapping in the wind!

d.g. said...

Ok, that's just BOOK ABUSE and whoever did that should be fined! No, thrown IN JAIL! Or maybe even EXECUTED! You just don't do that to books.

Unless they are romance novels. Yuck.