Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guess Who Has Two Thumbs and Can't Sleep?

This girl!

Well, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. Good lord, I can't sleep. Jody is in the other room snoozing away. I was previously snoozing away. But, the dog woke me up. And I woke up wide assed awake! So, my maybe 30 minutes of sleep has turned into super awake Laura. Hurray.

Now, I did everything a girl can do to go to sleep. We went to bed and cuddled and what not and hmmmm and everything. Then the sleeping started. Then it stopped. Jodster can fall right back to sleep. Not me. Nope! I am going to stay awake until the sun comes up. I know this because that is my normal sleeping hours.

So, here I sit at 6am. Thank goodness for Celebrity Sober House 2! I would have nothing to do if I didn't have messes of "celebrities" to watch. It's pretty awesome. But, I sure wish I could sleep during dark hours. Life would be much more eventful if I did.

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