Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm sleepy!

You ever get a bit burned out? With school, work, and life in general I am just tired as hell. Oh good lord, I need some sleep. I have truly not gotten a good night sleep in about 4 months. When I say this, I mean that I average about 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. Sometimes less. Very rarely more.

Now, I must say that when I do get to go to sleep, I love it. I love to squish up with goony bird, it's really awesome. We kind of just mush together well. And he's really warm. Yay for spooning! And, it helps that we are almost the same height (which is kinda sucky for me because he is 6'2. I am an amazon!). So, at least when I get some sleep, it is comfortable.

I am totally sick of school at this point. As of Tuesday, I will be done for the semester. I really can't think of child prostitutes anymore. That sure is a downer! Thank goodness for my creative writing class. Not that I don't find peace issues fascinating. It is just that they are so depressing! And, I love the creative writing. I don't think I completely suck at it (though I ain't no Steinbeck), so that makes it even more enjoyable. Of course you couldn't tell how much I enjoy writing with the sparseness of this blog. Is that word back there spelled correctly? It doesn't look right. But, fuck it. It isn't underlined, so I am thinking it cool. It looks wrong, though.

Anyway, back to me because that's what this is all about. I am tired! I want to write no more papers. I want to sleep for a week. I can't wait until Tuesday when I am completely off. Other than emailing a paper, I have nothing to do. Well, we do have to go check into a hotel (thanks to fancy plumbing problems). But, that is fine with me. It will be like a vacation, but only minutes from our very own house! Fabulous! I love hotels. I am sure we will still be at the house often. I mean, I am not packing for the winter. But, I am still excited. (Perv moment... hotel sex rules!)

So, what else is going on in Laura Land? My dad and stepmom Brenda came down this weekend. They brought me all the stuff I had stored at their house. I need to get a scanner because my senior year memory book is ripe with hilarity! Oh good lord. And what was wrong with me? I thought I was a sea hag in high school. Nope, I was cute. Damn it. Had I known, I would have been far sluttier than I already was.

I am really excited to have all my Motley Crue and Madonna stuff. My gosh I have a lot of that stuff. I don't even know where I came up with most of it! And who doesn't need to have their old Poison, Warrant, Skid Row, and Pantera ticket stubs? Oh, and the suitcase full of notes! How the hell did I get through school doing nothing but writing and receiving notes? And there is nothing like pulling out your old high school Channelette windbreaker (because doesn't ever girl and boy have one of those) only to note that it is about 2098230498 sizes too small. But, I must say, the notes are the best! That and the pictures.

But, what I am really most excited about are my records! I love my records. I left them at my dad's during my nomad phase when I moved to San Francisco a few years ago. It is really hard to haul 100lbs of records in a Honda Accord across the land. And boy have I missed them. So, I am so excited about that!

I also did find a report from a teacher saying I had persistent misbehavior problems. I was voted Class Clown. I had no choice! Me, persistent misbehavior problems! Whatever. I was nice. Smarmy, sassy, and talkative-yes! But, that ain't misbehaving. Ha Ha, aren't I funny there?

Anyway, it was really cool having my dad and Brenda meet Jody. They seemed to like him. I mean, what's not to lick - like (typo that I am keeping)? He's super. So, it was kind of a familyish weekend. And that was fun. We will see them again at Christmas, but it was nice to have them meet finally. Jody had a show on Friday night. I thought it would be fun, but the 'rents (oh, yes, I wrote that) aren't very dive bar-y.

Okay, I have written long enough. I just was going to write a sentence or two because I am so damn sleepy. But, I am in love with myself, so I think you all (all two of you) need to hear about my entire life. Isn't it fantastic? So filled with excitement and adventure! Yehaw! I guess I do participate in more Mad-Libs than your average gal, but that doesn't directly mean excitement.

Okay, I am off!

Oh, I forgot...I am so happy that Rice Spice is alive and well and back to blogging. Only this time, she is TexaPino. Well, she always has been. But, now she is in Florida. And a FloraPino just doesn't have the same ring to it. That, and she is still a Texan! Once a Texan always a Texan! Welcome back. It makes me feel less pathetic checking your blog everyday! Now, I have a purpose other than stalker-like boredom!

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