Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Shoe is NOT on the Other Foot

I saw a shoe, today, in the middle of the road. Just one shoe. One lone tennis shoe.

Every time I see a lone shoe or boot or flip flop (never a high heel) on the road, I wonder how it got there. Did it fall out of a car or off the back of a truck? Did someone get run over, and the police forgot to grab that shoe? Did it just fall off someone's foot, and somehow they didn't notice? Did some meanie take someone's shoe and throw it in the road?

I know you people (Mandy and Tammy and occasionally Diana) have had to have seen this. I am very curious as to how they got there. I think if I were psychic, I would use my power to find out what happened to the foot that belonged in that shoe. Hopefully, it wouldn't still be in the shoe itself.


Amanda said...

You are correct, I have seen this. And something I find even stranger than the lone shoe is when you see a lone shoe and then a block up the road you see it's mate. And what I find even stranger than that are the shoes tied together that are wrapped around telephone wires. How do THOSE shoes get up there? It's all very odd.

Star Wars: Ghosts of the Old Rebellion RPG said...

This always makes me think of Road Warrior...