Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

So, it seems I have done gone and got old or something. Like that? That's my Channelview grammar.

Anyway, I feel like I am old, to say the least. Let me tell you why.

Friday before last, Jody had a show at Trophy's. He played his little heart out. And being the doting band girlfriend, I went along, as did Trav and Jacob. Now, being that I am seeing a band in a bar, I had to look my hoochiest. Well, not my hoochiest, but hoochie enough. So, I wore a new bra that put my boobs right up under my head and a new pair of motorcycle boots that have a bit of a heel. Now, mind you, this isn't the highest heels I have. And they are certainly not the highest heels I have ever worn to see my fellow beat on some drums. So, I stood there on my boots with my boobs up where they were when I was 15. It was fun. I screamed, I clapped, I hooted.

Now skip to the next morning or actually afternoon. I wake up, but I can't move. Like at all. Pain is shooting through my back. I truly think I am dying. Now, let me let you in on something here...I am a stubborn mule. I try not to ask for help. I think I could be in a car, upside down in a river, and it would take me a while to call 911 just because I don't want to be a bother. Really, I am like that. Anyway, I can't freaking move.

Now, I have to pee like a son of a bitch because I just woke up. So, I kind of roll my way off the bed, and I use the hamper for a makeshift walker. Poor hamper. But, I get to the bathroom, and then I can't get off the toilet. At this point I holler for Jody. It was so bad. It was so bad that I immediately called in for work. And I am not a call in for worker. Really, I'm not.

I have a terrible back ache for a few days. Then I wake up one morning a couple of days later, Jody stretches out my legs, and I feel fine! It ruled. So, I go about my day, do a dance of joy, wiggle around, act like a tard, and guess what? I suddenly can't move again. Oh, what a fool I am.

So, it isn't going away, and I am dying in pain. So last Friday, a whole week later, I make a doctor's appointment. Now, if you think I am stubborn with asking for help, I am equally as stubborn about going to the doctor. I don't know why I am like this, but I am. It's stupid, and I know it. So, I broke down and went.

Well, it turns out I have pulled a muscle in my lower back! Hurray! And, the doctor can actually tell when he bends me all up and presses on things. So, he tells me to just lay down for a few days, take my muscle relaxers he gave me, and not do anything.

Now, it was mother's day weekend. And my mom and sister were coming down (we had lots of fun, by the way. I'll tell you more about that later.). I could take it easy. I could lay down for a few days! And I certainly didn't have the 12 hours the doctor told me I would need if I took a muscle relaxer. I still haven't had time to lay down for even half a day. Hell, I only get about 11 hours between work shifts, if I'm lucky. And I had a busy weekend. My plan is to chill tomorrow and Thursday. Maybe. I have a hard time sitting still. I don't know why, but I do.

But, I am feeling better, although I haven't done much to help the situation. In the last 4 days I did take 1 muscle relaxer which truly helped. So, I shall take one this morning, and sleep my brains out. And hopefully, this death back ache will go away. And maybe I will stop being stubborn. Probably not, but maybe!

Is this what getting old is? If so, I don't like it one bit. Ugh. I swear. This ain't cool!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Welcome to my world!

I <3 high heels, but after all the years of abuse to my back and joints from the hip down, high heels do not <3 me back.

I have a very gifted chiropractor and, believe me, they do make a huge difference!

Hope your back gets to feeling better!