Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pork Chop Sandwiches!

Today I aim to blog about a gripe I have. It isn't a major gripe. In fact, I might be an ass for even thinking it is a gripe. It is just something that annoys me. So here goes:

So, I go to Which Wich for dinner tonight on my way to work. I usually don't go to places like Which Wich because I am an Austinite, and we hate that kind of thing. However, I can see Which Wich from my office. It's really close. Like really close. It's about a half block away. So, on the occasion you have to go. It was either that, Chipotle, or a plethora of fast food. Plus, I wanted the hell out of a sandwich.

So, I go and fill out my little bag. I give it to the person, who tells me I owe them $8 for a sandwich and a drink. Then I wait. And this is the gripe....hold it...hold it....I hear them call my name (which you have to write on your bag). It takes a minute to be sure they are actually saying something out loud since the radio is blaring. A few other customers look up. I hear that somewhat talk noise again. Yep, they are calling my name.

I walk up, start to take the bag, and notice it says Lawson. So, I don't pick it up. The guy again says what I hear as Lala (which is much closer to Laura than Lawson). I am still standing right there, and I still can't really hear him. Lala's sandwich sits there for a bit until the guy says, "Mario." He clearly says Mario. They customer next to me realizes that this is his order. He is picking up Lala and Mario's order. He must be Mario. Nope, he is Matt. But, this is his order. He makes sure, but yes, that is his bag. So he leaves.

This happens to almost all the people in front of me. This lightly said wrong name has everyone confused. I finally get mine (because I counted the number of bags hanging until you got to mine). I am not sure he ever did say my name, but I got my sandwich and left.

Now, it may seem stupid that I am griping about this. But, if the only way to let the customer know that their order is ready is to say their name loudly over a very loud and annoying remake of Sting's Fields of Gold, then maybe you ought to say the correct name, and do it loudly (or at leas audibly). I mean, I might not hear you over the retching that is happening to me from hearing the remake of a terrible song done much more terribly!

So, that's my gripe. It just annoyed me. Sure the economy is in the crapper. Sure we are still a nation full of racists and child molesters and rapists and murderers. But, I gotta gripe about the Which Wich guy. Ain't I nice? (Oh, and can I type Which Wich enough?)

1 comment:

d.g. said...

I agree! And what is so difficult about the name "Laura?" It's not like your name is some odd and random grouping of letters that would be impossible to pronounce such as "Lrntpqrx" or something. Well, this may be the reason those people work in a sandwich shop and not an office ... they are pretty much illiterate.