Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I Love Mary Jane...Girls, That Is!

This song has been in my head all since last night.  I edited an article for the magazine I work for ( about one of them members of the group.  And, since then, this has been in my head.  Actually, this song has been in my head for quite a long time because I love it.  I do. I  have no idea why I love it.  All I can say is it is catchy as hell.  And, I have the record.  Yep, I have a Mary Jane Girls record.  I'm hoping that one day it will be noticed by Rick James' ghost (as it is probably the only copy in existence that is not living in a gay club).  Then Rick James' ghost will come haunt my house.  Wouldn't that be awesome?  I am hoping it would sound and look a lot like this:

Of course, it would be also hilarious to be woken up in the middle of the night to clattering platform shoes, go into the living room, and see this:

I bet, though, it would actually look a lot like this:

I think it would be a great thing if all ghosts dressed as Rick James.  Also, they need to sing like Rick James.  I am sure they would end up kidnapping someone and burning them with a crack pipe just like Rick James.  And, that would be okay with me because a crackhead ghost (or leprechaun) would be entertaining for at least a little while.

Okay, I'm off to perform a song and dance in my head.  Actually, I will probably do it full out.  Hope no one in here minds!

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