Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How's About a Nice Cup of Good Weekend

Well, hello, Party People.  It has been one week since you looked at me.  Okay, it hasn't.  That is that stupid Barenaked Ladies' song.  And, now it's in my head.  Thanks, anyone who might possibly read this.  You got that song stuck in my head! I don't particularly care for that song.  Well, except for that Chickety China part.  That's catchy.

I've been a busy girl since I went away.  Well, since I was on the computer.  I can't wait to get mine back from the Toshiba Depot (how corny is that name).  They are fixing it up all nice and neat.  Or they are fixing the Ethernet port because it has a short in it.  That's not bad if you have wireless, but, of course, I don't.  I'm cheap like that.  I refuse to pay $20 more a month for the privilege of sitting exactly where I would sit with my laptop if it were plugged in.  I'm all Scrooge sounding, huh?  Well, I sure wish I wasn't because I got no Internet at home.  And that sucks.  Too bad I can't crack any of my neighbor's WiFi passwords.  I've tried.  Oh, yes, I've tried.  No luck, though.  So, I just gotta wait. Damn you, Modern Technology!

I had a fun weekend.  Jody's sister Renee and his nephew Justin came to town.  We did the usual Austin type stuff.  Got a Mighty Cone from one of the many Trailer Park Food Courts here.  Then off to Gourdough's.  Oh, Gourdough's.  The made to order giant, deliciousness that is the Gordough's Donut! They are sooooooo gooooood.  And I mean that with that many o's.  Jody and I split a Funky Monkey.  Do you know how good grilled bananas, melted cream cheese icing, and brown sugar are?  Especially when they are all hot and gooey on a freshly fried giant donut!  Just take a look...

And, it's big, too.  So big that my giant ass can't eat a whole one by myself.  And, I can eat. Just check out a picture.  You don't get my rear end by turning away donuts!  Oh, so good.  And, I am pretty sure that Renee and Justin liked them, too.

That night we scurried over to the Alamo Village to Thor 3-D.  Now, I am going to state right here and now that I DO NOT like comic book movies.  I am just not a fan.  Blame it on me having a vagina or a graduate degree in writing or the fact that I have taste (that's just me being sassy) or whatever, but I don't like them.  So, I was not particularly interested in seeing Thor ever.  But, it was playing.  And Renee had never seen a 3-D movie before.  So, I didn't bitch too much.  I just went along with it. 

I can honestly say that the movie was kinda bunk.  I didn't really care for it at all.  It wasn't the worst of the comic book or super hero movies I have seen.  It wasn't.  But, it wasn't good.  Definitely not a thinking person's movie.  Not one with a love of detail or originality or any of those types of things.  If you want to know what kind of movies I like.  Boogie Nights is my favorite followed by Shawshank Redemption, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Big Lebowski, and Wild at Heart.  Those are followed by the likes of Urban Cowboy, Xanadu, Happy Texas, Where the Heart Is, and Dirty Dancing. See, I am only a partial movie snob.  I like crap just as much as the next guy.  But, ugh with the super hero/comic book movies.  No thanks.

There was one redeeming quality of this movie.  That would be Chris Hemsworth.  Just so you know, here is what he looks like:

Yeah, that's him.  And he is incredible!  Oh my lord.  Especially this scene in which he wears his jeans ala Brad Pitt in Fight Club.  And seeing that in 3-D was kinda worth it.  Not totally worth it (as I did stare at the wall for a good 22 minutes of the movie).  But, if you are forced to go, it is a nice view.  The story is lame.  There where probably only about 121 words used in the script.  It's predictable, long, and just the beginning of a never ending series of Thor (and The Avenger) movies.  So, I can't recommend it at all.  But, if you gotta go, you get a good view.  Oh, and you get to see Natalie Portman pretend to be a brilliant physicist!  Ha.  Yeah, I know.  Stop laughing.  You know she did it because she wanted that Black Swan role.  I am assuming this is a contract movie.  But, alas, there is one pretty man to look at while you watch a really overly simple movie. 

Speaking of which (or not really) the Alamo has the best damn fried pickles ever!  Eat them.  They are good!

That was the weekend.  I had a lot of fun with the not so in-laws.  They're a fun bunch.  And, I had never met Justin, so that was cool.  And, I got to hear some cute and funny Jody stories that he hasn't told me.  I love that he has a big sister who was old enough to remember things and give me the lowdown on all things teenage Jody.  Oh, I bet he was such a smart mouth.  I would have loved him!

So, that be that.  And ain't nothing else going on.  Hope you all are having a super fine life this week.  Be careful not to stub your toes!

1 comment:

d.g. said...


Good stuff. I taught that part to Em when she was like 4. Every time we have Chinese food, someone bursts into song. It's the awesome, to be honest.

I don't like superhero movies either. Like, AT ALL. I think I've watched, maybe, 2 or 3 in my life. They just aren't my thing.

Do you notice how all the new movies seem to lack substance, but have killer special effects? Bah to that, I say. They are making movies for 18 year old guys now, and that's it. Special effects are nice and all, but... I need more than just hacking and slashing, Matrix-style or whatever. Good dialog and an engaging storyline are super important, movie-making-people, take note!