Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Knicks and Knacks and Brick and Brack and Things

So, long time no blog. It seems I get to blogging in my head (or talking to myself), but I never get around to actually putting it here. So, I am going to do that today. Oh, today. Today is the greatest day I'll ever know. Well, that's a lie. After typing the word today, I just got that song in my head. But, I like that song. Not the biggest fan of The Smashing Pumpkins (I mean, they are no Air Supply!), but I do like that song.

The oddest thing is going on in my office smells just like my primary school- McMullan. McMullan Primary School. Home of the McMullan Munchkins.

There is me and a few people being munchkins. I'm the one with the broken arm. Anyway, it smells like McMullan in this office today. It is putting me in a weird mood.

So, since I wrote that stuff, I have been vaccinated for the flu. Hurray! I guess. It is my first. I am no longer a flu shot virgin. For shame. I tried to hold out. But, alas, I couldn't. I also get to get the N1H1 vaccine which, as far as we know, is going to take place over two months. Working in the health care system, they are making us. I don't mind. I would much rather do that then wear gloves and a mask until February. That just doesn't seem fun at all. It seems kinda hot. So, I got me a flu shot.

In other news, I have decided that my new neighborhood is one that is ruled by Kate Gosselin hair dos. For real! I like my new neighborhood a lot. It's nice, clean, there are mailboxes and banks and gas stations abound. (In the ghetto, where I just moved from, there are NONE of these things!) But, the one annoying thing is the Kate Gosselin hair dos driving around in their giant Excursions with spacey looks on their faces near wrecking into anyone who is around because they seem to feel like every parking lot and lane is theirs. For real. You can just seen their faces as they come careening at you from around another car. They don't seem to notice that they are about to be in a head on collision. They just keep that sneer look on their face and just about side swipe you while they are going the wrong way down the lane because they can't wait to get into the yoga place parking lot. Oh, it sure is fun. Bunch of assholes. For real, these women are just assholes. Assholes with a Gosselin 'do. Damn that woman for that hair!

Enough of that. Now on to happier subjects. I got a power for for my laptop. I am so happy about that. It sucks to have no internet at home. You feel all disconnected from the world. And since we depend on the internet for most of our television shows (we ain't gots the cables), it really puts a damper on your entertainment time. Sure, we talked a whole lot more. But, who wants that when I can continuously refresh facebook and yelp? Is it sad that most everything I do at home, I do while on the internet? Yes, it is sad! I know it is. But, dammit! It's an addiction.

With all that being said, I did get to watch the Create channel a lot. Boy, that was exciting. The Create channel is a PBS station that comes on if you don't have cable (and real channels like Food Network, Bravo, A&E...etc.) Of course, Sara got booted from Food Network and is now on create. Ha, I never liked her anyway.

But, there are all kinds of good shows like Sewing with Nancy, The Donna Dewberry Show, and Lap Quilting with lap quilting extraordinaire Georgia Bonesteele (I know, can you believe you aren't getting to watch this?!?! Fun! There are some decent shows. As vegetarian as I am, I still find myself always watching Bar-b-Que University. And, I really dislike Rick Steves, but there is nothing else to watch!!

I will let you know that Rick Steve's show and website are Europe Through the Back Door. If that doesn't make you giggle, then you just have no sense of humor. It is taking me all of my energy not to giggle and send him an email full of dirty innuendos. The big 'mo! I love it! That shit is funny, I don't care what you think! And if you didn't giggle at the initial thought of Lap Quilting with Georgia Bonesteele...well, I just have no use for you.

That's the excitment of what is happening to me in the mid morning on September 23. I am also listening to as many versions of "Down by the River" that I can find. It's a great song, and it is done by so many damn people! If you click on it, that's my so far favorite version. But, there are a whole shitload of them! My "Helter Skelter" quest was super successful. After version 121 found, I had to give up. And, sadly, most of them sucked!

Okay, enough. You know my love of the babble. So, I am off to make the world a better place! Or at least try not to make it any worse!

1 comment:

d.g. said...

You make me laugh.