Sunday, January 11, 2009

Life as I have known it for the past few weeks!

***QUICK NOTE***I have gone and done some retarded posting. So, the pictures are all half pictures. So, if you want to see the whole thing, just click on it. It will take you to my Photobucket page. Lot's of stuff going on there. But, I have no desire to go fix the pictures, so they are staying half pictures. Sorry!***

Guess what? Chicken Butt! Haha. Just kidding. That guess what was for real. If you said what, then I will answer. If you didn't, will have no idea, but will answer anyway! I am back home. I am no longer a vagabond, a hobo, a derelict. Well, I guess I wasn't that at all. It just felt that way.

You see, Jody and I had to be out of our house due to super horrible plumbing problems. Or, our sewer line was completely smashed. This happened long before we moved in, but it didn't rear its ugly head a couple of months ago. So, now water or electricity = the Suarez-Fergusons had to move the hell out. So, we hoteled it up (which sucked because Jody had a serious case of the flu and got into a car wreck where someone hit him and drove off. Super awesome!), then camped out with the most wonderful friends on Earth! They disrupted their normal people schedule to host two duds and a dog with weird musician and night worker schedules. Oh, how patient they are. And what a pair. I love them dearly. I do. I don't think they have any idea how much.

But, now we are home. We were supposed to be in another hotel until Monday. We came to the house on Thursday to pick up some fresh clothes and for me to get some bathroom stuff that I needed (ya know, q-tips, more shampoo, tweezers for my every growing eyebrows) crap that sucks not having on hand even though you have it on hand, only it is at your house in your bathroom drawer. Anyway, the plumbers where there doing something, and Jody went to check on the progress. And lo and behold, they said they were done (except for filling in the hole that could accommodate two grown men underneath our house).

So, unexpectedly, we got to stay in our house. Sure, there isn't a single grocery in the house (I mean, what can you keep with no fridge), our living room looks like a tornado hit it because we have just been depositing stuff there (Christmas stuff, dirty clothes, my childhood that my father dropped off about two days before we had to go, just crap in general) for three weeks. But, we didn't care. We cuddled up and watched TV on our couch or in our bed (among other things, haha) all day and night. We only got up to let the dog out or answer the door for the pizza guy. It was incredible! I missed our place so much! And our shower!!! We have amazing water pressure in the shower, and boy have I missed it!

But, we are home sweet home. And I am thrilled about it. Thankfully, Jody's mom works for a large hotel chain, and she got us a discount. You know how awesome it is to stay in a hotel for $50 less a night than it is supposed to cost? It still gets pricey after eleven days, but it was super doable. And free continental breakfast. Hard boiled eggs, bagels, yogurt, and cereal are quite continental! Anyway, it was so nice of her!

So, that's that. What else has gone on? Oh, Christmas!

***I am interrupting this blog to ponder something. Ponder with me, will you.***

I am at work and taking a lunch break. I just put my microwave dinner in the microwave. The instructions for it include:

(this is verbatim)

2. Place wax paper loosely over tray.

First, who in the world has wax paper now-a-days? Are we in 1944? Am I baking? No! And second, why would you make a microwave meal that you need wax paper for? My office supplies coffee, creamer, sugar, pens, folders, a chair, a desk, a computer, but no wax paper. What kind of company is this? Seriously, wax paper? Are they kidding?

***Done with that rant. Back to my other rants!***

Christmas! I had such a good time at Christmas. Jody got to meet the family. All of them. Even some that I haven't seen in 25 years -for real. It was a very quick Christmas. Got to Houston on December 24th for my Dad's side Christmas. Then to Mom's that night. Then home on the 26th. See, quick. But, in that, I got to see where my mom works (she does good things for poor people), meet a couple of her neighbors, saw my ex-step sister and her boyfriend, played Pictionary Man (I highly recommend it), opened some gifts, ate too much, took tons of stuff home, and learned that MREs are not very good (poor military people).

Here are some pictures:


This is Tam and I at my Aunt's on the 24th. I am the house next to that normal sized girl.


Here's me and my dad. Can you tell we are related? I think he has shrunk. I mean, he's still tall. I am about 6', so you see how tall he is. But, he isn't nearly as tall as he used to be. Maybe one day I will be 5'5!!


This is Jody and me laughing about something. Don't you love his new Christmas sweater? He is so cute!


Here is the whole lot of us. Me, Dad, Tamaramadingdong, and Brenda (my stepmom). Aren't we so happy and Christmasy and pretty? Sha!


Here are Mom and Tam Tam playing Pictionary Man. Mind you, my team (Me, Jody, and Matt) won! Hell, yeah! We rule!


The Jodster making our team Pictionary Man champions!!!

After that was New Year's Eve. I worked. Booooo. It's fine because I got paid for a holiday, so I didn't mind too much. Jody came to work and visited me. My office overlooks Lady Bird Lake and Auditorium Shores. So, we had a nice seat for fireworks. In fact, we saw all kinds of fireworks displays! Lot of far away ones. I wonder who was doing them?

Then came the Isle of Lost Toys. This year, I was sans Jody because he had a show. It wasn't an LBE show (seems my Jody is in a whole lotta bands these days), so I didn't go. He didn't mind. I have only missed one LBE show, and I still feel bad about that. But the band he played with that night is no biggie. I have seen him play with them, and I probably will again. But, it isn't his band band.

Anyway, Isle of Lost Toys. It was so fun. The lame gift (we all bring the lamest gift we got or some sort of white elephant gift) wasn't that lame. I got these tiki looking masks from Kristy and Koley. They used to hang on there wall, and I liked them. So , I am good with them. There were a couple of stink pot gifts, but some were so cool!

Here are some pictures:


Leah got a fine, fine soccer movie starring Pele and Sylvester Stallone. I don't know how Paul was able to part with it. I do believe it was the most awesome gift of the evening!


Kate got a Boccie Ball set that was missing the snitch (snatch in our language and a ball. They were stolen mid game on the beach in Port Aransas. And even the keen, yet drunken skills of Koley and Leah could not find the thief. I think Jody and I were winning that game).


Kristy got a lanyard. Wonder who gave that to her?


Maria got some Leslie magnets. That's a good gift!


Jenn got some awesome drum thingy. I was going to steal it, but I figured with the drum kit and electric drums that I have in my house, I didn't need more drums. I don't play Jody's near enough (although he does give me lessons) to steal these from Jenn.


Tina got a very nice book about some Biological science that was so complicated I couldn't even pronounce it to begin with. There is a glare over the title, or else I would be able to tell you what it was. It was Kate's, so it is a PhD in Microbiology or Biochemistry level book. Being as I am getting a masters in creative writing, we all know that I have no idea about any of that kind of science. Oh, and she got a nice candle!

And not to be forgotten...


Paul got Bryce (and a purse which he is holding)! He will be spending the next year with Kate and Paul. I have seen him sitting high on his shelf. He will be happy there until next year!

Okay, that is sure enough of me for a long while. Nothing much else is going on. My office is moving on Monday to the Children's Hospital! Hurray, as it is only about 4 minutes from my house! Okay, now nothing at all. But, I shall update again soon. Well, I say that, but I am unreliable.

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