Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Off to Christmas

I am taking a quick stop to Houston and Willis over the next couple of days to celebrate the holidays with the fam. After living in a hotel for nine days with a boy with the flu who also got rear-ended (and not in the good kind of a way) eating out every meal (except the free breakfast which consists of cereal and bagels), trying to buy Christmas stuff, dropping your dog off at different places, having to go back to our waterless, electricless house get clothes, drop off Christmas purchases, going to work, getting little sleep, and all the rest that has gone on this week, I must say that I am ready for this month to be over!

Sadly, we still won't have a house until at least the 2nd. Thank goodness for wonderful friends because I can't handle another night in a hotel far far far far away from all that I know and love. You think living in a hotel would be awesome. I did. I was wrong! Well, if I didn't have a flu man and tons of working hours, it might not be so bad. But, I am sick of it!

Also, now that we have had to spend a buttload of cashola on food and hotel room and other weird things that come up, we is broke until the next paychecks on the 2nd when we both get paid. Super fun! I love being broke (and I mean broke). Nothing makes a good holiday like spending $500 on other people, so you can't eat for the rest of the month. Luckily gas is super cheap, or we wouldn't be going at all. Ah, I love the holidays! Do I sound like Scrooge?

It's a good thing we didn't get our tree. We were going to get one. But, alas, we would have had to chuck it or bring it to the hotel with us. I am not real sure that would have been cool with the Quality Inn people. But, I would have tried.

But, we are off today (with me getting no sleep at all! Super duper fun!). I am probably going to leave a bit late. I am going to try to get in a nap. I have no idea how I am going to be able to get dressed for a get together, wrap presents, and sleep all in a two or three hour car ride. But, I plan on figuring it out. And I am sure true to my families nature, I will not get to sleep more than a couple of hours. I mean, who sleeps past 7? Not those of us who are used to having to stay up all night! So, I am betting I get about an hour of sleep whilst there. And I am about to fall asleep now! Yipes.

Okay, enough of the holiday cheer! I am sure I will have a good time. Lots of goodies to eat. Good people to see that I haven't seen since last year. Presents! And poor Jody gets to meet the whole family! I hope it doesn't scare him away (he did make it through last weekend with the Dad and the Brenda). Ah, if I haven't scared him yet, nothing will!

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah (I like the one with the C best), Happy Kwanza, Happy Pagan Holiday, Happy I don't celebrate this crap, Happy New Year (I have to work. BOOOOO!)Happy what the hell ever it is you do or do not celebrate. Yay, whatever!

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